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Advocacy Referrals

DHCC advocates in a variety of ways, working towards equal communication access for Deaf and hard of hearing individuals.

Information and Referral Services for Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Hearing Individuals

DHCC is dedicated to providing information to Deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing individuals and their family and friends. This information assists individuals in obtaining needed services and technology, and in making informed decisions. DHCC welcomes the opportunity to serve you and answer your questions. Please contact us at 610-604-0452 (voice/TTY), (484) 477-0817 (VP), or email with any questions.

DHCC can provide information and/or referrals on the following topics:

  • Specialized programs and services for Deaf and hard of hearing people, such case management services

  • Major and current legislation, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and how to advocate or file an ADA complaint

  • American Sign Language materials

  • Technical devices such as alerting systems, including loan equipment programs for consumers to try devices before purchasing as well as low-interest and no-interest financing for assistive technology (alert systems, tablets, etc)

  • The PA Interpreter Law and how to register with ODHH as a ASL/English interpreter

  • Telephone communications including video phones from various service providers, Captel (Captioned Telephone), and voice carry over

  • Interpreting agencies in areas outside of DHCC’s service area

Referrals to Legal Services

DHCC does not provide legal services; however, we can refer you to organizations that can provide you with legal advice or assist you in taking legal action. DHCC can also provide you with information on how to file a complaint under the ADA so you can advocate on your own.

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